Atlassian API
- base URL:
- Atlassian email:
- Atlassian token: Can be found here.
- Jira project:
- Jira component:
- Jira issue key:
Useful endpoints
Get Issue
Provide issue id or key, get a Jira issue with metadata.
(maybe) useful fields
- Content
- summary
- description
- comment
- attachment
- Meta data
- issue type
- priority
- status
- labels
- customfield_10045 (Teams)
- project
- Ownership
- creator
- reporter
- assignee
- created
- updated
- Link
- issuelinks
- subtasks (?)
- parent
- Not sure
- customfield_10067 (Product)
- components
- customfield_10113 (Dev Notes)
- customfield_10112 (?)
- customfield_10020 (Epic Link)
- customfield_10000 (git)
- 10011 (Epic Name)
- customfield_10083 (Dev resource)
Create Issue
Provide Jira issue with metadata, create an issue and get an issue id.
Sample payload (only fields is provided here, the remaining parts are omitted):
{ "fields": { //Title "summary": "Create a Jira ticket!", // Issue type is task, issue, bug, Epic etc. "issuetype": { "id": "10009" }, // Simply project prefix "project": { "key": "LSH" }, // Content "description": { "type": "doc", "version": 1, "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "text": "Description - Look at me!", "type": "text" } ] } ] }, // You can either provide an id or the name when // referring to the defined objects. "components": [ { // "id": "11129", "name": "API" } ], "customfield_10067": [ { // "value": "API", "id": "10325" } ], "customfield_10113": [ { // "value": "Not Required", "id": "10661" } ] } }
Search for issues Using JQL
Provide JQL, return paged tickets with full information.
Seems like that post also works, but it’s using body rather than request params to pass parameters.